Cosmetics Formulation Development


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Ask about toner

Postby sikharee » Mon Jul 08, 2019 1:32 pm

Want to make 2 types of TONER, apply in the morning and before bedtime. combination-oily skin Toner is used to wipe before applying various creams 1 morning, reduce pores, clean Witch Hazel 75% Safe B3 3% White Egg Enzyme 5 % Japanese Cedar 1% water 16% 2. Before going to bed, exfoliate, cleanse and reduce acne. Pitera 75% Complex Salicylic 5% Lactobionic Acid 3% Zinc PCA 1% Water 16% Ask for both formulas need to add DMI and Mild Preserved ? Too many ingredients for a toner formula 2, is 2 acids too strong for daily use? Ask separately about the various peptides that need to be kept refrigerated. Is there any way to prevent quality deterioration when stored at normal temperature? (Thailand temperature)
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Re: question about toner

Postby staff » Fri Jul 12, 2019 9:47 pm

Hello, both formulas can be mixed. the need for filling สารกันเสีย , the team thought it was unnecessary. No need to add more then DMI to enter or not depends on the member himself. There is no need or need. The downside is the smell. The advantage is that it will be able to maximize efficiency. including in the formulas that are used Salicylic Acid has been tested that DMI can ลดการระคายเคือง from Salicylic Acid is fine. For questions about too many ingredients? for toner Here, members will have to answer themselves. Because there really isn't a single rule that a toner shouldn't have more ingredients. But having too many ingredients in a recipe can make the formula unappealing or sticky. by the rate as the member has informed In the opinion of the team itself, it is not at a level that is sticky or not worth using. For the storage of cosmetic ingredients or ready-made cosmetics so that they do not deteriorate their quality. Here it is inevitable that the members will not allow the ingredients to not deteriorate at all. But storing cosmetics or ingredients in a cooler or lower temperature. There will be a chance to slow down most of the ingredients to deteriorate. The deterioration in quality does not occur suddenly but gradually occurs. If members do not intend to keep it for years. It shouldn't be a concern at all.
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