Cosmetics Formulation Development


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deodorant powder

Postby donotgiveup12345601 » Sat Oct 14, 2017 2:58 pm

Hello, formula ระงับกลิ่นกาย Powder Antisweat 15% Talc um 85% Question 1. Should start Antisweat at how many % is it good to stop sweating all day? 2. We only make 20 grams. Should I mix it by grinding it together or just stirring it? 3. Will the recipe make the shirt yellow? 4. Saw the turtle stepping on the earth using ammonium alum. It's the same substance. Antisweat ? thank you
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Re: deodorant powder

Postby staff » Tue Oct 17, 2017 4:24 pm

1.should start Antisweat at how many % good for sweat suppression all day
usage rate 5- 25%, depending on the sweat characteristics of the user. If you are an athlete or sweating all day It is recommended to use the full 25% for the general public. Please lower it to the desired level. The optimal level for each person is different. Have to do the test
2.We only make 20g Should I mix them by grinding them together or just stirring them together?
can be done both ways
3. Will the formula make the shirt yellow?
Antisweat can make the shirt yellow, but it is the aluminum group that has the least chance of making the shirt yellow. Compared to other Aluminum compounds used to reduce sweat
4.I saw the turtle stepping on the earth using ammonium alum. It is the same substance. Antisweat ?
isn't it?
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