Cosmetics Formulation Development

ความต่างระหว่าง Phospholipid และ Cosmoperine®

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Difference between Phospholipid and Cosmoperine®

Postby peeya_pgi » Tue Oct 09, 2018 6:41 pm

Hello, in the formula that I thought was to put a นำพาสาร too, but I don't know what to choose between. Phospholipid and Cosmoperine® I would like to know how they work and the difference in use of these 2 substances, for example, which formula is suitable for each substance. Or you can choose to use anything. Perfect replacement, thank you.
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Re: Difference between Phospholipid and Cosmoperine®

Postby staff » Mon Oct 15, 2018 8:05 pm

Hello, Cosmoperine® is tested on a wide range of active substances, cosmetics and drugs, but it is tested by the manufacturer. and is also considered penetration enhancer relatively new. Still have a long life in the market. And with the tests done by the manufacturers (inventors) themselves, there are still quite limited tests. Although made out of a variety Phospholipid has a much wider range of test results and applications. with the age of the substance itself therefore more widespread In addition, with a cheaper price and can act to help nourish the skin in the body as well. The team does not have the test data to compare the two substances directly, so we can't answer that. which type is better And it's better in any case, sorry.
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