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Is there a way to adjust the lotion formula separately?

Postby wisut_sin » Thu Dec 13, 2018 3:37 pm

Ask, I want a lotion that is a bit liquidy, not greasy, focuses on moisturizing and soft skin. Use 1. Milk Lotion Maker 5% 2. mineral oil 5% 3. Cyclomethicone 3% 4. Aloe Vera Oil 2% 5. Vitamin E Acetate 2% mixed in the oil phase and heated 6. Glycerin e 2% 7.Collagen (buy food grade to dissolve in water) 8. น้ำหอม 0.25% 9.water Add to 100, mix in water phase and warm to about 50 degrees, pour water into oil got a separate layered lotion Is there any way to fix it? Water before adding collagen pH is about 5.6, but when adding collagen, it measures pH about 6.9. They need pH balance too.
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Re: Lotion formula is separate layers. Is there a way to adjust it?

Postby staff » Fri Dec 21, 2018 4:23 pm

Hello, the team apologizes very much to the members. That the information on how to mix on the web page is not correct. The correct method is When warming the water to 70-80 degrees and warming the oil To heat the same level 70-80 degrees, then, while spinning the water, gradually add the oil (both parts must be equally hot. and not add the water part to the oil part but must add oil to the water section) turn off the heat and continue to blend until cool and set (Blow at low speed during cooling) for damaged ingredients. from incorrect mixing instructions. Please notify the member at Customer Relations and the customer relations officer will issue a voucher to refund.
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