Cosmetics Products Analysis


sharing your analysis of cosmetics products on the market

Primary Cosmetic Ingredient Analysis

Postby cosmeceutical7 » Tue Apr 17, 2012 1:02 pm

A question that many people like to ask. I saw a cream or a serum. How do you know if it's good or bad, what ingredients? Will there be a chance of losing, etc.? (Except this brand is good? This one can't answer. Because I don't like to focus on brand :D ) All questions above. episode with Read and analyze the ingredients of the cream or serum (assuming that the manufacturer of such cosmetics sincere with customers and tell all the truthful information That's why we should avoid Exorcist cream that is sold without a source :roll: ) First step Let's sum it up first. What are the cosmetic ingredients? Separated by its function ingredient (or active ingredient) This is the real active ingredient. active, this is applied to the skin. And to be absorbed into the skin b.Cream binder (or emulsifier, thickener) serves to combine water and oil. (Imagine that simply When we mix water and oil it will not be compatible This emulsifier serves to combine them to form a creamy texture, while the thickener serves to thicken the cream or gel or serum, making it easier to use (if it's almost watery, people won't. I like it because it's difficult to apply) I'll talk about emulsifier a lot later. because this one is important and a double-edged sword If used a lot, it will become a surfactant or surfactant. which is used to mix in shampoo/soap Serves to cleanse the body (Imagine :roll: that if you put it in your face cream leave it on all day What happens?) However, keep in mind that if the active substance we have is both water and oil (eg olive oil, co-Q10), what if we are not an emulsifier, so it is indispensable as well?[/color ] [color=#0000BF]c. Skin-feel (or emollient) building agents that make creams, gels, or serums feel appealing to use, smooth and absorb quickly. It's Glycerin, Propylene Glycol, Butylene Glycol. Check it out in the cream jar you are using. If it's not a natural product They usually have to have this one at all. because I want the cream to be smooth It feels good after using it, but if you ask if it's useful or not, no, and if you use it a lot, it can irritate your skin too. Enter the original text that The more you put on it, the more you wear it. The more you increase the chance of allergic skin d.Ingredients such as colorant or perfume (colorant, perfume). Personally, I feel that nowadays, it's out of date when cosmetics come in a lot of colors and perfumes. (Or we're getting old, uh :shock: ) They can cause allergic reactions. especially perfume which usually comes from petrochemicals Except for natural oils such as essential oils, if it's really natural cosmetics. I often use them. but it is more expensive So much petrochemical, it depends on the person who chooses each other. But personally, I like to avoid all kinds of colors or perfumes. I want to have a firm and smooth face. Good smell or beautiful colors at the end e.Preservative (preservative) is necessary. If any company produces and sells, then don't wear this. extremely inappropriate (If we use it ourselves, we say) When there is water, there must be bacteria. And if your cream has black lumps of bacteria in it, putting it on your skin is even more dangerous and dangerous than putting on a preservative. There are many preservatives. There are substances extracted from nature, which are expensive and do not dare to use. And cheap chemicals like parabens that some research institutes say can cause breast cancer . I will gradually come to drill down one item at a time. in order to understand and visualize Next time I analyze any cosmetic tribute, I will try to stick a to e as above. will be easily referenced
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Re: Analysis of basic cosmetic ingredients

Postby cosmeceutical7 » Tue Apr 17, 2012 1:07 pm

Then let's see that Which substance is used a lot? Which substance is less how do we know Well, it's his formula :?: It's very easy, legally (again, legal, that means magician's cream, don't even think about it). To the least amount of substance, take Juju Aquamoist as an example because it's easy to see Image Water , Hyaluronic Acid , Phenoxyethanol, Methylparaben means the most Water (from here, we know that at least 97%), Hyaluronic Acid, we already know that it can use no more than 1%, preservatives Phenoxyethanol, Methylparaben. 2 figures together should be almost 2%, not more than 1% each, so they are arranged like this
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Postby jayjaydecoupage » Mon May 11, 2015 9:56 am

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