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Dimethicone 1Secs is safe. or how dangerous it is

Because when customers see that there is a mixture of Dimethicone 1Secs , there is a special type of silicone

Customers come across the word silicone. The question immediately arises with the manufacturer. whether it is dangerous to the user or not Is it a carcinogen?

In case we can't guarantee that it's safe from what the customer fears If we need to cut out from different nourishing formulas, which one should we use instead? that is more secure

Disturb the team to find answers and give some advice.

thank you very much

by sooksompong
Tue Mar 21, 2023 3:56 pm
Forum: Haircare Recipes
Topic: Re: Dimethicone 1Secs is safe. or how dangerous it is
Replies: 1
Views: 29597

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