Fragrance Formulation Development

เบสระเหยเร็วแทนแอลกฮอล์ และ สาร Antioxidant ในน้ำหอม

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The base evaporates quickly instead of alcohol and antioxidants in perfumes.

Postby smudhja.ns » Tue Aug 03, 2021 1:14 pm

- Base replacement แอลกอฮอล์ - Hello admin. There are some doubts about doing น้ำหอม free type แอลกอฮอล์ from following the previous thread. Compare the ingredients to find a replacement solvent. แอลกอฮอล์ and did not want to use Fixed oil found that 2-3 substances with fast volatile properties such as 1. Dimethicone 1Secs 2. Isododecane I want to know that these 2 substances 1. Can be used as a base instead. แอลกอฮอล์ ? 2. Can I use both substances alone or Must be mixed with another (e.g. water or FloraSolve ) 3. สารตรึงกลิ่น can be dissolved in the above substances? ..................... - Anti-deterioration agent - There are interest as follows: 1. Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT) 2. Protec™ OX 3. Protec™ UV would like to know 1 . What substances are suitable to prevent the deterioration of น้ำหอม (in case of doing น้ำหอม Roller and Stick (both opaque bottles and clear bottles) 2. Are the above substances soluble in DPG? 3. All three substances are soluble in DPG. Dimethicone 1sec and Isododecane ? Thanks for the answer.
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Re: Fast volatile base instead of alcohol and antioxidants in perfumes.

Postby staff » Thu Aug 12, 2021 11:52 pm

- bass instead แอลกอฮอล์ - Hello, add. Min There are some doubts about doing น้ำหอม Free Type แอลกอฮอล์ from reading the previous thread. Compare the ingredients to find a replacement solvent. แอลกอฮอล์ and did not want to use Fixed oil found that 2-3 substances were present. with fast volatile properties such as 1. Dimethicone 1Secs 2. Isododecane I would like to know if these 2 substances 1. Can be used as a base instead. แอลกอฮอล์ or not? 2. Can both substances be used alone or Must be mixed with another (e.g. water or FloraSolve ) 3. สารตรึงกลิ่น of the shop can be dissolved in The above substance?
No, because น้ำหอม will not dissolve in Dimethicone or Isododecane , if you want to be alcohol-free, there are few alternatives such as Fractionated Coconut Oil , LipidSoft Deo , MMB (3-methoxy-3 -methyl-1- butanol), a strong odorous substance, can dissolve in Various bases recommended above, all 3 items
- anti-deterioration agent - are interested as follows: 1. Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT) 2. Protec™ OX 3. Protec™ UV I would like to know 1. What substance does it contain? appropriate to prevent the deterioration of น้ำหอม (in case of doing น้ำหอม Roller and Stick (both opaque bottles and clear bottles) 2. Are the above substances soluble in DPG? 3. All three substances are soluble in DPG. Dimethicone 1sec and Isododecane or not?
1,2,3 soluble in DPG but not soluble in Dimethicone , Isododecane
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