Haircare Recipes

Selenium Sulfide แชมพู

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Selenium Sulfide Shampoo

Postby tongta_p » Wed Jul 31, 2024 1:11 pm

I have a question (I have already ordered Selenium Sulfide from MySkin).

Does MySkin have a guide to shampoo formulas containing Selenium Sulfide that have good stability?
The problem encountered now is

1. Selenium Sulfide color changes to black.

2. Separate layer formula (both RT and Oven)

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Re: Selenium Sulfide Shampoo

Postby staff » Sun Aug 04, 2024 6:35 pm


You may have to check the pH of the formula (it should be around 5-6.5).

Including considering adding a stabilizer such as ActiveProtec OX 1%.

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