Cosmetics Formulation Development

การละลาย Pure-Apigenin

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Dissolving Pure-Apigenin

Postby aaribabar » Mon Jul 06, 2020 10:43 pm

Pure-Apigenin ™ is soluble in water or does it have to be dissolved in Butylene Glycol *Because the product information page says The company sells 3 types of chamomile extracts Chamomile Extract (Apigenin) 98% powder is soluble in water, but informs Solubility: Not soluble in water, so I'm confused. Thank you.
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Re: Dissolving Pure-Apigenin

Postby staff » Sun Jul 12, 2020 3:55 pm

Hello, thank you for notifying members. The team will inform the relevant department to improve the information on the web page to be more clear. Pure-Apigenin :
Mixing method: Add to the formula in the last step. Blend to match the recipe. (Recipe must be cream or lotion formula with Emulsifier synchronization only because Apigenin is highly soluble in emulsfiier, cannot be gel-formulated. or only water as a component) can use heat not more than 80 degrees to help dissolve more easily. Usage rate: 0.1-0.5% Product characteristics: light colored powder Solubility: insoluble in water, soluble in organic solvent. For example ethanol , soluble in many glycol, please check solubility instructions. in the formula above
information as above all correct
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