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Ask for advice. The extract has a strong smell. Want a clear lip gloss?

Postby justfaidindyeye » Sun Mar 12, 2023 2:20 pm


Oil Thick™ Clear S (creates a clear, thixotropic oil-gel texture)

Yes, this one is used to make clear lip gloss and lip gel. Feels very strong when applied. Both while spinning, there was a lot of smoke and a very strong smell. Is there any recommendation that can replace it? need lip gloss clear gel texture

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Re: Need advice, extract has a strong smell Want a clear lip gloss?

Postby staff » Sun Mar 12, 2023 10:27 pm


Difficult to self-dissolve recommended to use Finished base that the manufacturer has already dissolved.

Mineral Oil Gel

Hydrogenated Polydecene Gel

Staff - MySkinRecipes
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