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Recommend a recipe for cleansing water.

Postby newza10597 » Tue May 02, 2023 12:08 am

Recommend a recipe for cleansing water.

Don't need to worry too much. If you want to do it, use it yourself. Claim about clear things.

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Re: Please recommend a recipe for making Cleansing Water.

Postby staff » Mon Oct 23, 2023 12:00 am

Staff - MySkinRecipes
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Re: Please recommend a formula for making Cleansing Water.

Postby officialpon » Sun Aug 18, 2024 5:21 pm

Should it be 10:1 as per the website or 9:1 as recommended in this thread?

staff wrote:


Encapsulated Micellar Cleansing Water (eq Bioderma) (10:1) 10%

90% water

Mix it together.

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