Dietary Supplement Formulation Development

แอสตาแซนธิน (10% Algae Extract, น้ำมัน) ทานยังไง

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Astaxanthin (10% Algae Extract, Oil)

Postby peeya_pgi » Thu Jul 20, 2023 9:47 am

I would like to know if I want to order Astaxanthin Astaxanthin (10% Algae Extract, oil) to eat. How can I do it? Can you pack your own gel capsules? Or what do you recommend?

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Re: How to take Astaxanthin (10% Algae Extract, Oil)?

Postby staff » Sun Aug 25, 2024 8:50 pm


Astaxanthin (10% Algae Extract, oil) is popularly packaged in soft gel because it is in oil form.

Products sold as dietary supplement ingredients must be notified to the FDA before actual distribution.

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