Cosmetics Formulation Development


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Inquire about packing cream into packaging.

Postby pongpat.o » Wed Nov 01, 2023 6:20 pm

Because cream is made to order, the unit is in grams. But the packaging has units in ml. Suppose if you want to put cream in a 30 ml bottle, should you choose to put 30 grams of cream in each bottle? Because 30 grams may not have the same volume as 30 ml.

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Re: Ask about packing cream into packaging.

Postby staff » Sat Nov 11, 2023 9:30 pm


It depends on the type of ingredients used in the recipe. Usually, the ingredients are oil. It will have a density lower than 1g/ml, which means 1 gram will have a volume greater than 1ml.

If it is an ingredient that dissolves in water It will have a higher density than 1g/ml, which means 1g will have a volume less than 1ml.

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Re: Ask about packing cream into packaging.

Postby pongpat.o » Mon Nov 13, 2023 11:05 am

Thank you because I want to order cream from myskinrecipe for sale. I'm afraid there won't be enough cream or the packaging will overflow.

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