Haircare Recipes

การใช้ Ionic Silver Solution ร่วมกับ Zinc Ricinoleate

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Using Ionic Silver Solution with Zinc Ricinoleate

Postby amnee_semsan » Wed Mar 13, 2024 11:42 am

Ask about the formulation of pets care products. Ionic Silver Solution is used together with Zinc Ricinoleate in the formula without EDTA being used. After the formulation is left aside, the material changes from clear to brown. Caused by the sequence of steps Is it stored in the packaging or is it the formula itself?

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Re: Using Ionic Silver Solution with Zinc Ricinoleate

Postby staff » Sun Aug 04, 2024 6:36 pm


Cannot be used together.

If you want to use Nano Silver together with zinc, we recommend testing Nano Silver (2000ppm, Colloidal, Yellow Solution) instead. It will go better with other ingredients.

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