Cosmetics Formulation Development

Guaiazulene (Oil Soluble, 98% Purity)

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Guaiazulene (Oil Soluble, 98% Purity)

Postby kanokkorn.thia » Fri May 03, 2024 7:31 pm

Please inquire. Guaiazulene (Oil Soluble, 98% Purity) can be distributed in drops of Hiya serum. Or can I get nourishing cream?

- Does it depend on the brand of Hiya serum or cream you use?

- If you can't mix and store it for use. Can it be made into drops to mix when using?

- Please give me some advice. If you can drop and mix, let's say 50 mL of serum, how many grams do you need to drop to get ~0.1%? (I'm not sure of the calculation.) This is based on the recommended usage rate: 0.05-0.5%.

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Re: Guaiazulene (Oil Soluble, 98% Purity)

Postby kanokkorn.thia » Fri May 17, 2024 10:33 am

Please come in and ask again.

The Guaizulene that was ordered Web page to use

Usage rate: 0.05-0.5%

It means that the total weight is 100 grams.

Using this Guaizulene 0.5g+serum base 99.5g will get a serum with a guaizulene concentration of 0.5%, is that correct?

This one dissolves in oil. That means it won't dissolve. Doesn't go well with serums that have a water base.

But it will melt into the oil serum. Or a cream with an oil base, right?

Please recommend an example that can be used as a base for using this Guaizulene. Thank you in advance.

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Re: Guaiazulene (Oil Soluble, 98% Purity)

Postby staff » Sun Aug 04, 2024 10:02 am


Oil soluble type It must be dissolved in the oil portion of the formula only.

In case you want to dissolve in water, choose Guaiazulene (Water Soluble Azulene, 15% Purity).

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