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Substances and methods for making clay dough

Postby coffee_cosmetic » Mon Apr 09, 2018 5:21 pm

I would like to know the substances used to make clay dough and how to do it.
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Re: Substances and methods for making clay dough

Postby staff » Thu Apr 12, 2018 5:45 pm

Hello, clay powder Caused by mixing powder base (contains talc powder such as Silk Talc Powder , Silk Mica Powder , Silk Sericite Powder with a color such as Beige Iron Oxides EasyMix and other colors) in large quantities with a characteristic creamy texture. Water-in-Oil , members can mix separately. Or mix them together in the same formula at all. Example of a systematic cream. Water-in-Oil can click to see a sample recipe. on the product detail page Water-in-Oil EZ
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