Cosmetics Formulation Development

นำพาสารเข้าสู่ผิว สำหรับ Micro Silver Porous

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Bringing substances into the skin for Micro Silver Porous

Postby ranu.pothong28 » Wed Nov 28, 2018 7:31 pm

Micro Silver Porous can be combined with extracts that help นำพา ingredients into my skin? in conjunction with Cosmoperine and Ethoxydiglycol ?
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Re: Injecting substance into the skin for Micro Silver Porous

Postby staff » Mon Dec 03, 2018 8:54 pm

Hello, I can't do this because Micro Silver Porous will only stick on the surface. In no case can it be absorbed into the skin. (except in some cases such as skin with open wounds)
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