Cosmetics Formulation Development

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To order, please help me analyze the formula.

Postby yayaandkero » Mon Feb 25, 2019 12:55 pm

will order the production of serum which has the following ingredients Pitera - 60% Repair Activator - 10% Argireline - 10% Matrixyl 3000 - 8% Glycerin Gel - 5% Adenosine Liposome - 4% Copper Peptide - 3% disturbing the team 1. Please help me analyze. That this formula can actually be done or not. 2. Please adjust the formula for me. If found to be inappropriate for the recipe. 3. If the recipe has already been made - if stored in the refrigerator. How long will it last? and - If opened How much time do I need to use it? Thank you very much.
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Re: I want to order production, please help me analyze the formula.

Postby staff » Sun Mar 03, 2019 10:32 pm

Hello, the formula can be mixed. But the team could not comment on the suitability of the formula. to the user's skin Because the information about the user's skin is unknown. including not knowing the purpose of this formula
3. If this recipe is already made - if stored in the refrigerator. How long will it last? and - If opened Within how long is it necessary to use it?
Infection control problems no worries It is recommended to pack in a sealed package such as a pump bottle. Many ingredients in the formula, especially the peptide group. It should always be stored refrigerated for maximum performance. But the team could not answer exactly how many days, months or years. But if stored in the refrigerator It can be expected that the efficiency will not be less than 80% after 6 months. In terms of opening, how long will it take to use it? It's about infection control, which has been suggested above.
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