Dietary Supplement Formulation Development

สอบถามเรื่อง Zinc ทานบำรุงรากผม

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Inquire about Zinc

Postby peeya_pgi » Sun Jul 24, 2022 7:05 pm

Ask about nourishing hair roots. I want to know between Zinc (from Yeast) (10,000ppm) and Zinc bisglycinate perform the same function? or different And I would like to know the daily intake size of each type of Zinc as well.

And should it be eaten with anything?

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Re: Question about Zinc, nourish hair roots

Postby staff » Sun Sep 11, 2022 5:06 pm


Zinc derived from yeast is caused by yeast biofermentation. The research found that the body can absorb and use better than synthetic zinc, but the disadvantage is A high concentration of zinc is obtained (10,000ppm = 1%).

Zinc bisglycinate is Zinc that chelate with Amino acid ( Glycine ) by research found that Can be absorbed by the body more easily

Both types were not tested to compare. Which one is better absorbed?

Zinc bisglycinate is cheaper based on zinc concentration.

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