Cosmetics Formulation Development

สอบถามเรื่องการใช้ Cyclodextrin

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Inquiry about the use of Cyclodextrin

Postby arissara.nam18 » Wed Nov 15, 2023 8:49 am

I would like to ask about the use of Cyclodextrin in cream production.

Both Beta-methyl Cyclodextrin and regular Cyclodextrin . What is the process for mixing the drug into Cyclodextrin ?

And after adding the medicine, how can the medicine + Cyclodextrin be mixed with other cream ingredients? The surrounding area is explained as well.

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Re: Question about using Cyclodextrin

Postby staff » Fri Jan 26, 2024 1:11 am


encapsulation work It is a job that requires specific tools. and specialized knowledge Cannot recommend this procedure. The company provides R&D and research services. If interested, please contact

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