Cosmetics Formulation Development

สอบถามสูตร เจล IPL ใช้สำหรับเครื่องเลเซอร์ ต่างๆ

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Ask about the IPL gel formula for use with various laser machines.

Postby tee_ozone » Wed Jan 03, 2024 4:35 pm

Ask about the IPL gel formula for use with various laser machines.

and would like to recommend raw materials To order, please give me

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Re: Ask about the IPL gel formula for use with various laser machines.

Postby staff » Mon Feb 05, 2024 7:43 am


It's a general water gel. Make the meat a little thick. To be able to stick to the skin for a long time, that's it.

You may choose to use CarboQuick to make gel texture.

Staff - MySkinRecipes
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