Cosmetics Formulation Development


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Thread deletion policy and control the quality of posts

Postby staff » Wed Feb 03, 2016 6:31 pm

Hello, this webboard was created to share knowledge in mixing and producing cosmetics for real efficiency. and beneficial to society Basically, on this webboard, maintained by MySkinRecipes staff. There is no deletion policy for any topics. This includes posts that are set up to blame, criticize the team or the product. MySkinRecipes to be open for all members to fully express their opinions And all members have the right to criticize the product, service and MySkinRecipes team in all respects. However, in order to control the quality of this webboard, the team asks for permission to inform the conditions that the topic will be deleted as follows. 1. Illegal 2. Expired where all topics will be automatically set at 2 years old 3. Use profanity 4. False information 5. No information that is useful to the public 6. Trading products For condition 1, there will be no notification before post deletion. For condition 2, there will be no notification before post deletion. This is because topics are automatically deleted with a system that calculates the expiration date every week. For conditions 3,4,5,6, the team will notify 24 hours before deleting the topic. so that all members get to know each other that the post was posted against the terms And the team does not have any intention to delete the thread for no reason. If any member finds that post deletion is incorrect, inappropriate, please notify via <!-- e --> <a href=""></a> <!-- e --> for the relevant parties to investigate. always Including being able to report on this thread to ask for reasons And evidence of the deletion that happened. Thank you Staff - MySkinRecipes
Staff - MySkinRecipes
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Postby k.jupalak » Thu Feb 04, 2016 9:51 am

The content on this post is expired due to our webboard policy to maintain the latest update information. Please check other posts or create a new post.
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Postby meimeiriddhiraksa » Thu Aug 04, 2016 6:13 pm

The content on this post is expired due to our webboard policy to maintain the latest update information. Please check other posts or create a new post.
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Postby staff » Thu Jul 20, 2017 11:49 pm

The content on this post is expired due to our webboard policy to maintain the latest update information. Please check other posts or create a new post.
Staff - MySkinRecipes
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Re: Thread deletion policy and control the quality of posts

Postby isilierinde » Fri Jun 30, 2023 2:33 pm

Triethyl citrate

would this be water soluble up to 4-5% even without using FloraSolve if I put it directly in water? 

I want to use it in water-based formula. 

I don't want to use FloraSolve if Triethyl citrate can be dissolved up to 4-5% in water without FloraSolve, because I don't want to list "Fragrance" on top of the list of my ingredients.

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