Cosmetics Formulation Development


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Inquire about the production of cream

Postby buaploy79 » Wed Oct 24, 2018 5:28 pm

FDA obtained from ordering the production of cream Can we use it to make our own brand? Or have to write it again :D :)
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Re: Question about ordering cream

Postby staff » Fri Oct 26, 2018 10:37 am

Hello, in the registration of the FDA by the company as the operator which will be notified under the brand of the company ("MySkinRecipes") by using the name of the product as specified by the manufacturer. (as entered in the formula name on the production order page) Must not be inconsistent with any requirements of the FDA, in which case it is contrary to the terms of the FDA, such as the name implies that it is not true. (for example "Omo Whitening Cream"), the company's staff who are in charge of the FDA notification will automatically change the name so that it does not conflict with the FDA's requirements for distribution. You can sell it. By submitting the formula as a "secret recipe" type, which is an option that can be selected on the web page. by sending this secret recipe When your formula has been notified with the FDA and produced as a finished product Your formula will not be disclosed to others. in which case You too will be able to distribute this secret recipe. sole Even under the brand name of the company But others can't order to produce according to your recipe.
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Re: Question about ordering cream

Postby feereepae » Fri Oct 26, 2018 1:13 pm

If you want to send a secret recipe But I don't know the correct mixing procedure. Can I not add a mixing step? Because if you ask the staff about the process of mixing the recipe in here, the recipe will not be a secret. Is there any other way to contact or if you can't put the steps, then R&D will mix it for us.
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Re: Question about ordering cream

Postby staff » Fri Oct 26, 2018 2:28 pm

Hello, the R&D staff responsible for formulating and production procedures. It will help you determine the correct steps. Members do not have to inform the steps. In the formulation section, if R&D finds that there are ingredients that are incompatible Or there must be any adjustments to make the formula suitable and mixable. I will customize the formula as well. will try to make changes as little as possible
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Re: Question about ordering cream

Postby fahlang.fah » Sun Oct 28, 2018 8:44 pm

Will the R&D staff inform us that the formula has changed?
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Re: Question about ordering cream

Postby kaninnin.n » Sun Oct 28, 2018 10:47 pm

Please ask about the packaging. We can find the packaging ourselves and send it to the manufacturer. Or the manufacturer has it for us to choose from.
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Re: Question about ordering cream

Postby staff » Sat Nov 03, 2018 3:25 pm

Hello, in the case of making a brand Please study the information here. สร้างแบรนด์เครื่องสำอาง
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