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Can I use coarse powder for face wash?

Postby donotgiveup12345601 » Wed Feb 27, 2019 5:12 pm

Hello, I want to make my own face wash powder, but the problem is that I bought it. amino wash already very cloudy. So I want to know if we can use Sodium Luaroyl Glutamate in coarse powder instead of fine powder because I don't want it to be cloudy. The formula for cleansing powder is as follows (we choose to make a cleansing powder because we don't want to put สารกันเสีย ) Sodium Luaroyl Glutamate Coarse Powder 30%(Is it enough for oily skin? I've used Sul foam 20% and put it in a foam pump bottle and I still feel the oiliness) Papain enzyme 0.5%(Is this substance cloudy or not?) Please advice starch. That is suitable for this recipe that is not very cloudy. Is there a problem with coarse powder that we use? (Compared to fine powder, how many times more difficult to dissolve?) Thank you.
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Re: Can I use coarse powder for face wash?

Postby staff » Mon Mar 04, 2019 5:05 am

Hello, it can be used for water solubility. I recommend you to test it. Papain enzyme is not as easy as amino wash fine powder
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