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Ask about liquid hand soap.

Postby tep_gems » Wed Oct 02, 2019 3:34 pm

Hello, I make liquid soap to wash my hands but I want to mix gold leaf with it. It turns out that gold sank into precipitation. I would like to ask if there is any substance that can lift the gold leaf to float in the liquid soap? The seller said that the liquid soap formula does not contain oil. So I don't know how to make the gold leaf float.
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Re: Question about liquid hand soap

Postby modtanoy21 » Wed Oct 02, 2019 3:50 pm

Please feel free to comment - try using ClearClean™ Yes, according to the web page, it is an oil binder in shampoos, liquid soaps and cleansers and creates a thick viscosity by giving the shampoo, liquid soap or cleanser a clear, beautiful color and high viscosity in case of touching. เม็ดบีดส์ (beads) or pearl beads, various sparkling beads in the formula without precipitation. With a cross-linkage mechanism, thank you very much.
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Re: Question about hand washing liquid soap

Postby tep_gems » Wed Oct 02, 2019 4:07 pm

modtanoy21 Thank you. The liquid soap formula does not contain oil at all. Will there be a problem with the oil synchronization?
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Re: Question about hand washing liquid soap

Postby modtanoy21 » Wed Oct 02, 2019 5:26 pm

- Think if there is no oil in the recipe ClearClean™ will also serve to thicken. viscous liquid soap and help prevent gold leaf from precipitating in the formula and mixing ClearClean™ It's already mixed in water. Thank you.
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Re: Question about hand washing liquid soap

Postby staff » Thu Oct 03, 2019 6:34 pm

Hello, confirm as suggested by Mr. modtanoy21. Other options such as SugarThick , EasyThick can be used but ClearClean is more suitable since the structure is cross- link makes it good to hold while other options are notified Often have to use in large quantities. But it can do the same job.
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Re: Question about hand washing liquid soap

Postby tep_gems » Sat Oct 05, 2019 9:38 am

thank you very much
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