Cosmetics Products Analysis


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Mineral water makeup remover

Postby dongrutrada » Thu Feb 28, 2019 11:45 am

Inquire about ingredients น้ำแร่ wipes makeup There are 3 ingredients mixed together, it is opaque, intended to be mineral cleansing water with the following ingredients: PEG-7 Glyceryl Cocoate 5% Butylene Glycol 20% Phenoxyethanol percent น้ำแร่ 74% mixed together, why is there turbidity? It's not as clear as in the market. Can you recommend it? whether to add any substance or not
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Re: Ingredients of mineral water to wipe makeup

Postby staff » Sat Mar 02, 2019 9:27 pm

Hello, the team guessed that Probably from the steps Let's review the steps as follows. 1. Fill in Phenoxyethanol into water, blended or stirred until clear. (Don't just add other items, it may take a long time to process. But if using a blender 2. Add Coco Wash into the liquid from step 1 little by little. Blend or stir to combine. keep adding more The formula still has to be clear as before. 3. Add other items into the liquid. Blend or stir until combined.
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