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Long-lasting lipstick

Postby chetsoi.cs » Mon May 06, 2019 8:13 am

Please give me a long lasting lipstick formula.
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Re: Long-lasting lipstick

Postby staff » Sun Jul 14, 2019 7:16 am

Hello, lip tint formulas usually consist of an oil base and use oil dispersed pigments, for example, oil dispersed paint (choose any combination of colors from the ReadyMix™ Liquid Color section. ReadyMix™ Liquid Color or Pigment Color ) about 15% if using Liquid Color (สีน้ำมันเหลว) and 7% if using Pigment Color Oil Film (Long-Wear) Approx 10% Glossy Wax (Light, Non-Greasiness) acts as an oil base. The rest to complete 100% of the mixing process. To blend together. Without the need for heat, test to see if there is a precipitate of the paint (in the case of using powder paint) Oil-Fix by adding 2-4% and blending together. The formula will thicken. and reduce the chance of color precipitation
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