Cosmetics Formulation Development

เกี่ยวกับ paraben คับ

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about paraben

Postby khunchinz » Wed May 15, 2019 5:29 am

Natural Moisturizing Amino Acids contains Methyl Paraben (0.25%), Propyl Paraben (0.25%). FDA to use not more than 0.25% of each type of weight for Natural Moisturizing Amino Acids The usage rate is listed below: 0.5-5% (3-5% for skin and 0.5-1% for leave-on hair). If I use Natural Moisturizing Amino Acids 5% in formula 100g = In my formula will have Methyl Paraben , Propyl Paraben how many %? Let's calculate. I'm dizzy!!!
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Re: about paraben

Postby staff » Sun May 19, 2019 12:06 am

Hello, 0.25% (proportion of Paraben that the FDA determines to use in Natural Moisturizing Amino Acids ) in 5% (Usage Rate Natural Moisturizing Amino Acids in the formula) is equal to 0.25% x 5% = 0.0125%.
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