Fragrance Formulation Development

การผสมน้ำหอมกับWater base

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Mixing perfume with water base

Postby » Thu Jun 13, 2019 10:21 am

Used to buy น้ำหอม Cool Water for men and Fresh morning to want to mix with water as a After shave ingredients, but when mixed together the very opaque product contains น้ำหอม that is water base Or mix it and it will not cause cloudiness or not?
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Re: Mixing perfume with water base

Postby » Fri Jun 14, 2019 10:19 pm

if used as Flora Solve Clear can it be used without making the product cloudy?
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Re: Mixing perfume with water base

Postby staff » Sat Jun 15, 2019 10:56 pm

Hello, can mix น้ำหอม with Flora Solve Clear and can then be mixed with water. which will give a clear formula But the limitation is the usage rate Flora Solve Clear which is usually about 3 times the น้ำหอม which means that If a member uses น้ำหอม 5% becomes required. Flora Solve Clear up to 15%, which has no practical possibility. Because it results in a gooey formula, usage rate Flora Solve Clear this determines the maximum rate of น้ำหอม in the formula, which could be done in a Body Mist formula that doesn't smell very strong. For example use น้ำหอม 2%, Flora Solve Clear 6% The rest is water. is the transition from water base It's an oil-based instead. For example, use LipidSoft Deo as a base because it can dissolve น้ำหอม well and will give a clear formula (eg LipidSoft Deo 80% + น้ำหอม 20%)
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Re: Mixing perfume with water base

Postby » Sun Jun 16, 2019 9:11 am

Thank you very much I will try to apply the advice.
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