Fragrance Formulation Development


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Ask how to create your own identity (perfume).

Postby koksung54 » Wed Jun 19, 2019 12:08 pm

I want to know if I want to build a brand น้ำหอม will make scent น้ำหอม How to make it unique to our brand? (My hand?)
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Re: How to create your own identity (perfume)

Postby staff » Fri Jun 28, 2019 11:07 pm

Hello, preliminary introduction to members. Let's start with the training course. of some universities to be taught as a short course as a blending basis which must be understood about น้ำหอม about scent the evaporation of the odor, the age of the odor and the group of odors, if not Recommended to use น้ำหอม as the basis of the scent, then add additional scents from น้ำหอม as mentioned. The company will sell a single scent that will be suitable for adding ready-made scents. For example, if your member has น้ำหอม one type that you like very much, for example smell Miracle (compare to Lancome) but I feel that I still lack coolness It can bring a single scent is Bescents B added to make it cool. or if you want to smell the roses in น้ำหอม said it can add a single scent. Bescents R
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