Cosmetics Formulation Development

สอบถาม Titanium Dioxide (Water-Dispersible) ครับ

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Ask Titanium Dioxide (Water-Dispersible)

Postby touchzhakornxx » Sun Aug 25, 2019 12:57 am

Hello, I would like to ask how to make Titanium Dioxide disperse in water. (Water-Dispersible) is in the form of a water gel. but can be waterproof Want to develop into a water-based sunscreen gel Tried it and like it very much. just no Waterproof properties make you sweat. There will be white stains on the skin. Thank you.
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Re: Question about Titanium Dioxide (Water-Dispersible)?

Postby staff » Tue Aug 27, 2019 8:33 pm

Hello, use a water soluble film forming agent such as WaterGuard™ Ultra Polyester Film (Water Resistant, Hard) This may not be suitable. because of the hard texture Peel Off Film nominal rate just to coat a thin layer but if you use too much It will become a film peeling off the skin. (Choose only one)
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Re: Question about Titanium Dioxide (Water-Dispersible)?

Postby touchzhakornxx » Tue Aug 27, 2019 10:37 pm

Thank you very much
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