Fragrance Formulation Development

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lasting smell and more and more

Postby batblast41 » Sun Sep 01, 2019 6:49 pm

I picked the scent brit for men fragrant. Very good, use น้ำหอม 30% Flora fix 10% แอลกอฮอล์ 60% I think the smell lasts only 1-2 hours and doesn't let people around you smell it. Must Smell it on the skin to smell it. Help to suggest more. Can you endure more? *I want to smell bleu de chanel, is there a chance to sell it?
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Re: making the smell last longer and more and more

Postby modtanoy21 » Sun Sep 01, 2019 7:55 pm

Please allow me to comment. - I use Last Fix™. It is suitable for formulas that need to fix the smell especially. And have tried other types of Fixative and still not enough results. and can help น้ำหอมติดทน as long as possible - at น้ำหอม Not very cloudy spread may be due to use สารตรึงกลิ่น thus reducing the diffusion of the smell. I assumed that because we pinned it so it couldn't spread out. Because the formula uses Alcohol, which has a characteristic that allows the smell to spread more. But the smell is still not too much. I think it may be because of this reason. Thank you.
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Re: making the smell last longer and more and more

Postby batblast41 » Sun Sep 01, 2019 9:30 pm

can add Musk , which one do you recommend and how many % use?
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Re: making the smell last longer and more and more

Postby modtanoy21 » Mon Sep 02, 2019 10:12 am

According to the team previously provided information about Musk - Musk can help indirectly fix the smell. because it is a component น้ำหอม long-lasting scent which when in the formula น้ำหอม will reduce the evaporation of the formula. to make the overall scent last longer from the reduced evaporation rate. Musk has the advantage of being easy to buy. There are a variety of scents. The disadvantage is Musk has a built-in odor and affects the odor of น้ำหอม for product creation. น้ำหอม will not lead Musk used to Make the smell last longer because it will interfere with the original smell of น้ำหอม that was developed. except in the case Musk is chosen as one of the scent components. น้ำหอม that is already developed, thank you.
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Re: Making the smell last longer and more and more

Postby staff » Mon Sep 02, 2019 12:55 pm

Hello - because Musk There are many of them, members will have to test to see if. Musk which smell goes well with smell น้ำหอม that you members use The advantage is because it is น้ำหอม fragrances tend to follow the same direction as Musk many types should be easy to choose. But will have to test it Ethylene Brassylate popular in น้ำหอม for men] - or maybe try Fragrance other fixative type instead, for example Sugar Fix or Last Fix As suggested by modtanoy21.
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