Cosmetics Formulation Development

สอบถาม ส่วนประกอบของน้ำหอม แตกต่างจาก น้ำหอมสำเร็จรูปอย่างไร

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How is the composition of perfume different from finished perfume?

Postby writebox.acenam » Tue Dec 15, 2020 11:05 pm

I would like to ask what is the difference between these two topics?
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Re: Inquire

Postby writebox.acenam » Thu Dec 17, 2020 5:39 pm

Last Fix can be mixed with doing น้ำหอม Perfect and can be combined with Musk , white Musk ?
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Re: Inquire

Postby writebox.acenam » Thu Dec 17, 2020 5:41 pm

Last Fix can be mixed with making น้ำหอม perfect and can be used with Musk , white Musk ?
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Re: Question: Is the composition of perfume different from finished perfume?

Postby staff » Thu Dec 24, 2020 8:33 am

Hello, components of น้ำหอม is aroma chemical is a single element. which when mixed together, will become น้ำหอม Typically น้ำหอม 1 formula will have aroma chemical mixed together about 20-40 items Last Fix can be used with Musk Fix is fine, but you need to consider the appropriateness as well. Can it help to increase the efficiency of fixing the smell more or not because of using too many fixatives or too many types? It does not always mean that it will increase the shelf life of the scent.
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