Cosmetics Formulation Development


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how to do it

Postby ampseeza » Tue Aug 15, 2017 5:55 pm

sent a sample Your way (MySkinRecipes) [#273098])Give me the recipe We have already ordered the message. So please how do you do it? The formula below is given. The company has received the sample. The texture is caused by using Silicone Gel in high quantity. Recommend members to try the formula as follows. Silicone Gel (Ultra Clear) 20% Titanium Dioxide 200nm EasyDisperse 5% Satin Cream Maker 2% สารกันเสีย The rest of the water, if it still doesn't feel flexible enough. increase the proportion of Silicone Gel (Ultra Clear) but need to add Milk Lotion Maker 1-2% to help the formula to combine more oil, thank you.
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Re: How to do it

Postby staff » Wed Aug 16, 2017 11:43 pm

required recipe style. It should be a cream that is flexible like a little silk. The study team recommends the following steps: Mix Silicone Gel (Ultra Clear) 20% in with Titanium Dioxide 200nm EasyDisperse 5% Blended or homogenized. will get white gel Flexibility Mix Satin Cream Maker 2% + water. , สารกันเสีย , blend or stir until gel is obtained. Milky and smooth, gradually add the first part into the latter part a little at a time, stirring to get a creamy texture. If it is found that there is a stratification may consider bringing Milk Lotion Maker to help coordinate more recipes. But it must be heated in the mix as well.
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