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Ask about the product storage temperature.

Postby nid.544595 » Mon Oct 23, 2017 8:23 am

That is, these substances will be stored in the refrigerator. Keep it at room temperature, I understand that it should be 25 degrees (air-conditioned room). The problem is that the room is not an air-conditioned room. And the temperature in Thailand is very hot. So I want to ask Can I get all the products in the refrigerator? Now take it out and store it outside the room because the temperature is colder than in the room.
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Re: Question about product storage temperature

Postby staff » Thu Oct 26, 2017 8:10 am

Hello, Ingredients in an environment different from the one recommended by the manufacturer. Will make the life of the ingredients have a chance to shorten some But it does not mean that the quality will be lost or deteriorated immediately. For questions asked by members, the answer is if there is an alternative. keep in hot or store in a cool place Always choose to keep in a cool place. Opportunity is too cold and deteriorates. happen less Chances are, it's too hot and it will deteriorate.
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Re: Question about product storage temperature

Postby nid.544595 » Sat Oct 28, 2017 5:13 pm

thank you very much
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