Cosmetics Formulation Development


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snake oil

Postby jn_andy » Fri Dec 15, 2017 11:01 pm

Saw that there was new snake oil coming in. I would like to know how useful it is different from other types of oils. Where does the snake come from? what kind of snake And hurt the animals? smell or not
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Re: snake oil

Postby staff » Wed Dec 20, 2017 12:52 am

Want to know how it is useful and different from other oils
น้ำมันงู ? น้ำมันงู of the type sold is a type with high levels of EPA (omega-3 fatty acid). Usually found in fish oils such as Salmon, by EPA found at น้ำมันงู is higher than that found in Salmon, this EPA is not found in vegetable oils except some algae
Where does the snake come from? what type of snake And hurt animals?
The team has no information in this section. By contacting the manufacturer to find information.
Mild, rancid, like น้ำมันธรรมชาติ Other น้ำมันธรรมชาติ such as Horse Oil
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