Cosmetics Formulation Development

Aloe vera oil กับ Aloe vera extract

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Aloe vera oil with Aloe vera extract

Postby jn_andy » Wed Jan 03, 2018 9:57 pm

Aloe Vera Oil with Aloe Vera Extract What is the difference in performance? So what criteria do you use to help you decide which one to use and when?
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Re: Aloe vera oil and Aloe vera extract

Postby staff » Mon Jan 08, 2018 7:45 pm

Hello, originally Aloe Vera Extract will only exist. in the form of aqueous solution, due to the active substances known to us that are extracted from Aloe vera is Aloin known and researched. widely, but now researchers have found Some substances extracted from Aloe vera, but not soluble in water. (Oil-soluble) is also beneficial to the skin. But the research data is still at a limited level. The team itself is still unable to provide complete information. We apologize. Initially, at present, the team recommends that you choose to use Aloe Vera Oil for dry skin and Aloe Vera Extract ] Aloe Vera Extract for normal-oily skin.
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Re: Aloe vera oil and Aloe vera extract

Postby jn_andy » Mon Jan 08, 2018 10:30 pm

or to put both to benefit Aloe vera full of water and oil all right?
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Re: Aloe vera oil and Aloe vera extract

Postby staff » Thu Jan 11, 2018 7:15 pm

Hello, can you do it?
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