Fragrance Formulation Development

สอบถามเรื่อง Blend

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Postby jungsooae918 » Tue Jan 23, 2018 4:01 pm

Please inquire น้ำหอม Blend can be mixed with Reed Diffuser Base is it okay if I make a Reed Diffuser and if we can add or add other scents in Blend?
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Re: Question about Blend

Postby staff » Fri Jan 26, 2018 4:38 pm

Hello, to make a Reed Diffuser you need to mix [url น้ำหอม and mix it with Reed Diffuser Base which น้ำหอม mixed with Reed Diffuser Base will be น้ำหอม in the Blend category (or น้ำหอม finished), it can be done as usual.
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