Fragrance Formulation Development

น้ำหอมแยกชั้น ไม่เข้ากับ base diffuser

Need help and get help on fragrance formulation development

Separate fragrances are not compatible with base diffusers.

Postby enzyme_zf » Tue Mar 06, 2018 4:13 pm

น้ำหอม does not fit the Type1 formula. 1 pour น้ำหอม 40% pour type1 blend 60% น้ำหอม separate 2 Can you fix it? Limited raw materials. 3 ways to solve it. Very urgent.
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Re: Separate fragrances are not compatible with base diffuser.

Postby staff » Sun Mar 11, 2018 6:44 pm

Hello, I recommend you to use Diffuser Base Type 2 instead
Staff - MySkinRecipes
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