Fragrance Formulation Development


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perfume mix

Postby maylisa » Sat Apr 28, 2018 9:46 pm

I would like to know if we mix น้ำหอม by choosing 2-3 scents in the Blend group to get Suppose you use the following formula: หัวน้ำหอม approximately 20-30% ratio (by mixing หัวน้ำหอม two scents in a ratio not exceeding this) Flora Fix 5-10% Ethyl Alcohol I get the rest, or should I choose one scent only, thank you.
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Re: Mixing perfume

Postby staff » Sat Apr 28, 2018 10:46 pm

Hello น้ำหอม different scents can be mixed together. but after mixing It will smell more fragrant, the same or less fragrant. That is something that members will have to test and try.
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Re: Mixing perfume

Postby maylisa » Sun Apr 29, 2018 11:59 pm

Thank you
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