Cosmetics Formulation Development

ผลจากการใช้ silky serum base

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The result of using silky serum base

Postby spring-song » Sat May 12, 2018 9:55 am

Hello, I would like to ask about the cream base from Silky Serum Base (I haven't put Active yet) Try forming the base as follows (Stir by hand) Use 10g:Water 90g / 7g:Water 93g The result is a creamy form. But the clarity is not the same as the example in the picture. and when spreading, the hand will break into water droplets (But the instructions do not specify that it is a broken cream) I want to know if I made a mistake or not. Can it be used? Please give me more advice, thank you.
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Re: Results from using silky serum base

Postby staff » Wed May 16, 2018 7:24 pm

Hello Silky Serum Base cannot be hand-stripped. by hand There will be problems as follows. 1. Water molecules are large. When applied, it looks like a cracked cream. 2. Stability is unstable. because water molecules are too large There is a potential for long-term stratification.
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