Cosmetics Formulation Development

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Calculating SPF

Postby thi_raphon » Thu Jun 07, 2018 8:38 pm

Hello, I would like to set up a formula for sunscreen physical sunscreen TiO2 and ZnO access links regarding SPF values have been removed. How can I calculate it? I know that each type of TiO2 gives different SPF values.
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Re: Calculating SPF

Postby staff » Wed Jun 13, 2018 7:46 pm

Hello, the only way to be able to calculate the SPF of the formula is to send the SPF test to the lab. If it's not convenient, I recommend you to try. see recipe example that has a measure of SPF to be ready From the ingredient details page SPF Protect Ultra II and Titanium Dioxide 15nm Liquid . will get the same value According to the example of the measurement results
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