Cosmetics Products Analysis


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Spray to cool the shirt.

Postby kitty_collon » Sun Jul 08, 2018 2:13 pm

I want the recipe that he sprays on the shirt to keep it cool. Does not stain the shirt, has a mild peppermint scent Deodorizes the musty smell on the shirt as well, suitable for people who work outdoors.
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Re: Spray to cool the shirt

Postby kitty_collon » Wed Jul 11, 2018 9:34 am

Cooling agent 0.5%, water 99.5% like this, will it cool and how long will it last?
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Re: Spray to cool the shirt

Postby staff » Thu Jul 19, 2018 8:51 pm

Hello WS-23 Cooling Agent is insoluble in water. yes Must be dissolved in Alcohol or Glycol of any kind. The formula must be changed to this style instead. WS-23 Cooling Agent 0.5% Ethyl Alcohol 10% (to dissolve WS-23 Cooling Agent ) water, the rest to complete 100% by mixing WS-23 Cooling Agent and Ethyl Alcohol well. before Then gradually add it to the water. If it is found that turbidity, increase the proportion of Ethyl Alcohol give even more.
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Re: Spray to cool the shirt

Postby kitty_collon » Thu Aug 09, 2018 8:43 am

It's not very cold after doing it.
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Re: Spray to cool the shirt

Postby staff » Sun Aug 12, 2018 12:16 pm

Hello, I would like to introduce other refrigerants as well, for example Menthol can be used together to get better performance.
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