Cosmetics Formulation Development

TaraGel™ (Caesalpinia spinosa gum)

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TaraGel™ (Caesalpinia spinosa gum)

Postby yokmonprapa.max » Tue Sep 18, 2018 9:27 pm

Request information TaraGel™ (Caesalpinia spinosa gum) can be used instead of ซิลิโคน and are there any restrictions?
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Re: TaraGel™ (Caesalpinia spinosa gum)

Postby staff » Thu Sep 20, 2018 7:56 pm

Hello TaraGel™ does not act as a replacement. ซิลิโคน , just the surface can be slippery. The manufacturer therefore compares it with the use of Silicone. The usage is a different function by TaraGel™ serves to create a gel. increase the viscosity Add stability to the formula, while various types of silicone are used to adjust the texture of the formula directly.
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