Fragrance Formulation Development


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Inquire about perfume formula for fabric injection.

Postby suthida.suwansom » Wed Feb 13, 2019 5:41 pm

Questions about the recipe น้ำหอม for fabric injection 1. น้ำหอม 10% 2. Last Fix™ or Floral Fix 10% (I'm currently using Floral Fix and the scent doesn't last as long as it should) 3. Ethyl Alcohol and the rest, do I need to add anything else? such as odor reducing agents can you wear it Is there any one you recommend? What proportion do you need? thank you very much
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Re: Inquire about perfume formula for fabric injection.

Postby staff » Sun Feb 17, 2019 2:37 am

Hello, if you want to reduce unwanted smell, recommend Citromask™ 0.5%
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Re: Inquire about perfume formula for fabric injection.

Postby nid.544595 » Thu Feb 21, 2019 7:19 pm

Let me ask you a question, if you use this to deodorize the smell น้ำหอม does not disappear. right?
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Re: Inquire about perfume formula for fabric injection.

Postby staff » Mon Feb 25, 2019 12:23 am

Hello no Citromask™ will no effect on the molecule น้ำหอม (more than 95% of the molecule น้ำหอม available in the market) in some cases, which happens very rarely or not more than 5% Citromask™ may cause some molecules in the formula to น้ำหอม , the smell fades, which makes the smell of น้ำหอม may be a little lacking in perfection.
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