Haircare Recipes

Mixing silicone with water in big amount quastion

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Mixing silicone with water in big amount quastion

Postby matyuhin88 » Wed Mar 17, 2021 10:38 am

Hello dear team. We are manufacturer of human hair extensions And would like to ask your professional advice,please. Our focus is a water-silicone liquid in big amount to load hair extensions and let it get more heavy,shine,straight,and smooth. Which silicone we have to use with mostly water base and how is it mixing.Thank you in advance.
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Re: Mixing silicone with water in big amount quastion

Postby staff » Sun Apr 04, 2021 6:33 pm

Hi, Silicone Quick-Cond , Silicone Clear-Cond , Silicone Micro-Cond will be able to transparently dispersed in water
Staff - MySkinRecipes
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