Fragrance Formulation Development

สอบถาม % การใช้ pheromone ครับ

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Ask the % of using pheromone.

Postby » Tue Apr 27, 2021 12:27 am ... omone.html stated to use at a rate of 0.01-0.1%, do not exceed the rate. This means to mix it into น้ำหอม mixed up to 0.01-0.1% correct Or if น้ำหอม 25 cc, then mix pheromone into 0.0025-0.025 cc or if we mix it down In DEB 400 CC, mix pheromone into 0.04-0.4 cc, is that correct?
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Re: Ask % of pheromone usage.

Postby staff » Sun May 02, 2021 9:33 pm

Hello, according to your calculations That's right, but the unit is wrong when calculating the mixing rate. Calculated by weight only Not calculated by volume DEB 400 *g* mix pheromone into 0.04-0.4 *g*
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