Dietary Supplement Formulation Development

ขอคำแนะนำในการรับประทาน Coenzyme Q10

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Postby krittin123 » Thu Mar 17, 2022 6:59 am

The website is available for sale Coenzyme Q10 There are 2 types of Coenzyme Q10 What are the differences in usage? If you want to order, easy to eat by yourself by mixing in drinks
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Re: Advice on taking Coenzyme Q10

Postby staff » Sun Mar 27, 2022 8:50 am

Hello, in the case of mixing in a drink, use the type coQ10 10% เกรดอาหารเสริม can be distributed directly in the water Generic referral rate of 100-200mg (of CoQ10 pure) per day, which means if used, type 10% dispersed in water Use at the rate of 1-2 grams per day.
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