Cosmetics Products Analysis

ถามเรื่อง Ceramide NP

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Question about Ceramide NP

Postby chanunchidaxiaoyue13 » Mon Jul 04, 2022 4:53 pm

In the formula it says that the ceramide NP does not exceed 0.2%, but in the formula, Skincare Barrier Cream Base, according to the msds document, has a percentage of ceramide 0.8%, so I'm not sure. In summary, ceramide NP can be used. What is the maximum concentration?
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Re: Question about Ceramide NP

Postby staff » Sun Jul 17, 2022 11:48 pm

Hello, it can be used higher than 0.2%. The rate of 0.2% is recommended by the manufacturer. which the use is higher didn't have any problem It just might make it not worth it. (not increased efficiency From the optimal rate is 0.2%)
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