Make-up Recipes

Re: Cosmetice antirid เติมริ้วรอย

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Cosmetice antirid wrinkle fill

Postby mrsauroran » Fri Oct 14, 2022 8:37 pm

Attn Customer Support Dep

Dear Lady/ Dear Sir

First of all I want to thank you in advance for your replay ad support.

Please kindly advuse regarding the possibility to see the foemula examples that have a key , from the oage of the purchased ingredients. What do I have to do?

In attach an example .

Awaiting your answer with great interest

Greetings from Romania

Aurora Tanase

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Re: Cosmetice antirid wrinkle fill

Postby staff » Mon Oct 17, 2022 7:13 am


You can post here questions about the formulations or ingredients that you are working on.

We do not have formulation example for all ingredients as most of them are fairly easy to incorporate into the formulation

Staff - MySkinRecipes
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